1. What is the difference between Self-Contained Housing and Golden Hills Lodge?
Self-Contained Seniors Housing are apartments with a bedroom, living area, kitchen and bathroom. You do your own cooking and cleaning. Rent is 30% of gross household income, up to a maximum.
In the Golden Hills Lodge you have personal living space with a private bathroom. Meals and weekly housekeeping are provided and there is 24 hour non-medical staff available. The rent depends on your annual income. The income is compared to the current threshold amount and the rent is either subsidized or not subsidized.
2. Can I apply before I am 65?
You may apply for lodge accommodations when you are 60 years old. Please give us a call if you have questions! (403-443-5216)
3. Do you allow pets?
No pets are allowed in Seniors Self-Contained, Golden Hills Lodge or Family Housing.
4. Do you have medical staff?
We do not have medical staff at any of our locations. Individuals requiring medical supervision are not eligible for self-contained housing or Lodge accommodations. Seniors living at Kneehill Housing Corporation must be functionally independent. Many of our residents receive Home Care from Alberta Health Services.
5. What is functional independence?
- Able to maintain your room in a tidy condition
- Manage personal medications
- Live amicably with fellow residents and staff
- Maintain appropriate personal hygiene
- Willing to follow the residential lease agreement
- Able to get from your room to the dining room for meals (when living at the Lodge)
6. Could I use a wheelchair or scooter?
The Lodge cannot accommodate wheelchairs on a ‘day to day’ basis. In the self-contained buildings, wheelchairs are only permitted in designated handicapped accessible units. Scooters are used outside only.
7. Do you have a 2-bedroom suite?
The lodge offers 2-bedroom suites. All of our types of housing have a variety of layouts and sizes.